петък, 18 октомври 2019 г.

четвъртък, 17 октомври 2019 г.

Hello from Bulgaria!


The students from the Basic School Sv. Sv. Kiril I Metodiy, Damyanitsa village made a poster to congratulate their partners. Good luck to everybody in the project!

петък, 11 октомври 2019 г.

Dreamy Gradens - New International Project starts in Damyanitsa with eco iniative!

 With the beginning of the project "Dreamy gardens for a great Europe", the students of the Basic School Sv. Sv. Kiril I Metodiy cleaned the schoolyard.

The community spirit and teamwork lead to excellent results.

Well-done kids! 

Media coverage for the project "Dreamy gardens for a great Europe"

 Proud to have a media publication in the local paper "Struma" about the project: